Butterfly MX Directory
This information applies to you if you live at 1103 Euclid, 102 E, Gregory, 105 E. Chalmers, 107 E. Chalmers, 201 S. Wright, 308 E. Armory, 401 E. Chalmers, 501 E. Healey, 502 E. White, 505 E. Clark, 505 E. Healey, 507 E. Green, 508 E. John, 508 E. Healey, 616 E. Green, 700 S. Gregory, 701 S. Gregory, or 707 S. Sixth. The directory located by the building entrance allows access for non-residents. Visitors must search the directory listing for the resident they wish to visit and contact them via the intercom. To utilize the Butterfly MX directory system, we highly encourage you to download the app on your mobile device. Once downloaded, the app will allow you to grant access to visitors through your mobile device. If you do not download the app, the intercom will ring the number on file. The resident should then press ‘9’ to buzz in the visitor.