Security Measures


Secure Entrances

Many of our buildings feature fob-controlled electronic entry or locked entrances. This allows only JSM residents access to inside the building. (See individual building listings for more information).


Best Locations

JSM offers the best housing locations on UIUC Campus with over 40 properties to choose from! Our buildings are very close to UIUC classes and businesses. Shorter walks home!


24-Hour Emergency Maintenance

JSM has 24-hour emergency maintenance available! Go here to see the maintenance fees!


Relationship with Local Law enforcement

JSM receives alerts from local law enforcement about security issues, and passes this information quickly to our residents.


Building Maintenance and Lighting

JSM's maintenance and janitorial staff keep everything in top shape, free of trash and hazards. We have extensive exterior lighting at all our locations. 


Report a concern

If you notice a light out or have other concerns, please submit a maintenance request. If you have a problem with a door or window and cannot secure your apartment, this is an emergency. Please call 217-610-8203 to have your apartment secured.



The University of Illinois Police provide free safety escorts so residents do not have to walk alone on campus. Click here to visit the SafeWalks website (The link provided takes you to the University Police website. JSM is not responsible for the content.) 


Fire Safety

  1. A portable fire extinguisher is located in your apartment, most often in the cabinet below the kitchen sink. Please find the location of the fire extinguisher when you move into the apartment. It should only be used in the event of an emergency. Once a fire extinguisher has been engaged it is no longer good for repeat usage. You will be responsible for the cost of a replacement extinguisher should the one in your apartment be used. Directions for the use of the fire extinguisher are located on the extinguisher and should be reviewed by each resident periodically. If the fire extinguisher has lost its ‘charge’ (there is a gauge on the extinguisher) please contact JSM Management as soon as possible, and a new extinguisher will be provided.
  2. Smoke alarms are provided in each apartment, usually located on the ceiling in the living room area. If the smoke alarm beeps once every minute, it is indicating a low battery. Please replace the smoke alarm battery. If the smoke alarm sounds a constant, loud alarm, it has detected smoke and you should check the apartment and call the fire department if there is an emergency.
  3. ALL BUILDINGS WITH ELEVATORS: If elevator service is interrupted during a fire and you and/or your guest need assistance exiting the building, you should go to the nearest stairwell landing. These areas are considered by fire departments to be an area of rescue assistance. Fire fighters are trained to check stairwells first when responding to a fire.
  4. 700 S. Gregory Residents ONLY: In addition to using the stairwell landings, you can also utilize the rescue assistance alarm button that will alert the fire alarm company that an individual(s) is/are waiting in that area.